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Blue Hope Website is Live!

Hello everyone, after seven long months of work, we are officially launching the Blue Hope website today! The Blue Hope Introductory video is hot off the press as it was just completed this morning, August 7, 2020. It is less than 100 days to the election and we are functioning and ready to go.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has really created obstacles for our plans of assembly. Still, it is possible for you to purchase and wear our Blue Hope hats, shirts and ties. Wear them everywhere and let people see the Blue Hope dandelion of light and our goals: Hope + Peace + Unity.

This is the most important election of my lifetime and it is going to be necessary to overwhelmingly vote Blue. Trump has already declared that he might not accept the results of the election so the votes need to be so obvious that there is no question as to the results. We must work hard and be diligent to encourage people to vote and vote Blue at every level. There is much work to be done rebuilding America and we must be united in our vote.

With Citizens United (this should of been called Corporations United), the door was opened for large corporations and the 1% to buy our government. As a result, the US moved from a Democratic Republic to a Plutocracy. With the Russian interference in the 2016 election and with the rampant corruption of the Trump administration, our country is now functioning as a Kleptocracy (rule by crooks) in the Russian model. Trump has made it no secret that his desires are to be an autocratic dictator in the Fascist model. The 2020 election is a pivotal moment in the history of the United States. We must save America in 2020.

The strategy of the Republicans has already become apparent. They are claiming that healthcare reform is a socialist position and Venezuela is being used as an example. They are ignoring the fact that most of the most civilized and advanced cultures like in Scandinavia and Europe have government run healthcare systems rather than the for-profit system in America where 10s of millions lost their insurance when they lost their jobs due to the Corona Virus. And, those people are without insurance and if they become infected now, they have no insurance and also will have pre-existing conditions so they will be denied coverage in the future. Trump and Republicans have declared that they have a solution for healthcare but they have none.

Please refer to the Blue Hope Principles page and the Political vs. Economic Systems issue for detailed information about the different types of systems the different countries of the world have. The US has a Mixed Economic system as do many of the most advanced countries. This allows room for the benefits of Capitalism while many of the important core functions are part of the federal government. Refer to the chart under the Political vs. Economic Systems as to the rankings of countries in the world. Don’t let the conversation be controlled by those that use Venezuela as the example while forgetting to mention Germany, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Japan, United Kingdom, Italy and the other advanced countries. The Republicans are going to try to misrepresent the healthcare issue at every chance. Don’t let them. Educate yourself using the Political vs. Economic Systems chart so that you can stand your ground based upon facts.

Another hot issue is Sensible Gun Reform. The right wingers are going to claim that any reform is meant to take their guns away. They are also going to use intimidation with heavily-armed militias to frighten people with their insistence that the 2nd Amendment is stronger than the 1st Amendment. Don’t be intimidated. Understand the issue and arm yourself with the facts. Does the 2nd Amendment really allow private militias and the stockpiling of weapons by private citizens. It is one thing to be able to own weapons that can be used for your own personal protection. It is another thing thinking that assault-style military-grade weapons are covered under the 2nd Amendment.

Abortion is another topic. In Blue Hope, we do not promote abortion while we think abortions should be reduced and eliminated through education, planning, and contraception. The Pro-Life movement is actually mis-labeled. Pro-Birth is more accurate. Pro-Life means that you are concerned about the Mother and family, before AND after birth. Having nutritional guidance, planning, health screening before birth are all important for a healthy baby and health mother. After birth, having healthcare, jobs and educational resources for the baby AND mother are important. Conservatives have made every effort to kill and eliminate programs that educate and assist the mother and family before birth as well as eliminating programs and practices that assist the family and baby after birth. In Blue Hope, Pro-Life means caring for the mother, the baby and the family before birth AND after birth. Rather than eliminating abortion through restrictive and unconstitutional laws, we believe that abortion should be eliminated through education, planning and contraceptives.

The Conservatives are going to attempt to frame the Progressive message inaccurately. Don’t let them. Educate yourself and be prepared. They will also attempt to frame all issues through several hot button issues while ignoring the dozens of other issues. Don’t let them. If people truly want to discuss issues, go the Principles page, pick a single topic or two, and discuss those. Don’t accept name-calling and absurd accusations that misrepresent your position.

There are many issues facing us as we begin to rebuild America for everyone for a sustainable future. We must be united in our positive goals. The disastrous lack of leadership and irresponsible actions of the Trump Administration must be corrected.

Please buy our swag, wear it often, be seen and let’s get America back on track again.

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Welcome to Blue Hope!

If you are here because you are like millions of Americans and deeply concerned for our country, tired of the bickering and wish to express yourself positively, then, you have come to the correct place. Our goal is to promote peace, hope and unity for sustainable future by using the power of Light, Silence and Action.

The idea of Blue Hope came to me through several experiences. First, I have always been interested in current events. I spent my university years majoring in International Relations and wishing to become an international diplomat so that I could prevent and solve international conflicts. My life has taken a few different turns and I became a programmer and software app developer. Through all of this I have maintained my interest in government, economics, history and politics.

At no time in all of my decades of study and voting, though, have I been as concerned for the future of the United States and our form of Freedom and Democracy as I am today. It is past the time for bickering. It is time to get things done. It is time for action.

One of the most powerful demonstrations that I have seen occurred in Paris as 10s of thousands of people stood motionless and silent. The silence was deafening. The energy was still there. The massive number of people standing together silent, still and for the same purpose had an instant impact upon me.

Several years ago, we attended our local lantern parade. All the colorful lights were beautiful. There were small flashlights handed out to the crowds walking through the darkness of the path after the lanterns were gone and the parade was over. Just as the lights of the lanterns had been exciting, the blue cast of the small flashlights was incredibly beautiful as the crowds worked their way up the hillside.

Putting all of these experiences together cystalized the concept of Blue Hope. Large groups of people silently walking, standing or moving together with the Blue Light of Hope. Rather than a protest, it is promoting Peace, Hope and Unity for a Sustainable Future.

Rather than a lot of noise, our efforts are powerful through their silence and numbers. Join your family and friends in walking through the streets, parks and events in your town with your lights on. Meet others and join them as your numbers grow. Your expression of promoting positive goals will shine through.

We hope to see things like an entire circle of Blue Hope Lights circling the White House, circling the Capitol, filling the Washington Mall, filling Central Park and filling the streets of America. 

Facts and logic don’t seem to be working. It is time for the Silent Majority to be heard through light, silence and action.

Please join us in our peaceful pursuits to positively change America.

With hope,
